Kelsey Hope, 2nd AA Photo by Leslie Foster, |
Jung, BB – fall on ff back pike, wobble on back tuck/tuck-jump full, 1.5 twist dismount. 8.10
Heikkila, UB - free-hip on LB, piked toe-shoot to HB; Tkatchev (caught leg badly and fell to her back). Giant 1.5 to Yezhova (form deductions), double layout with pike down and several steps back. 7.950
Lemieux, FX – double pike, well landed. Using tango music. Double turn, tuck jump double; switch ring to ring leap, double tuck, stuck with legs apart. 8.325
Colling, BB – wearing a bright orange leotard. Press, mount, lower to beam. Looks aggressive. Switch-side (small wobble); ff to two layouts; switch leap, switch leap-½; tuck jump-full (small balance check); punch front; sheep jump (wobble, a little low); ff ff, 2.5 twists, step to side. Very nice, confident, and clean routine! 9.150
Simbhudas, FX – using the music from The Mask. Whip to triple twist (low, incomplete); double turn, tuck jump double; triple turn; double-twisting front (awkward landing, took a deduction); cat leap double, cat leap 1 1/2; double pike, clean. 9.000.
Mak, V – piked Yurchenko, step, slightly bent knees. 8.050
Brown, FX – whip, whip, to double pike, almost overrotated, one step. Triple twist (not quite around). Middle-eastern theme. Double tuck.
Marohn, V – layout Yurchenko.
Gerber, UB - Toe-on to blind change, had a small lapse and bent her knees, but saved her piked Jaeger well; stalder-full to giant full to Pak, immediately to stalder on LB, nice flow. Full-in, good landing. Good start to her competition. 9.450
Desgange, V – fall on Hristakieva.
Mareniuk, FX - Triple twist; front to 2 ½ (fall backwards); double pike; triple turn; Popa to tuck-jump double; very enjoyable dance and good elevation on jumps. 8.550
Hope, BB – 1-arm ff to layout, very clean; side somi, solid; clean style, looks comfortable on the beam; aerial walkover (slack knees); nice switch side. Saved a fall on full-twisting tuck jump; Rulfova; ff, ff, double twist. 9.200
Rodriguez, FX – double tuck mount; 2.5 twist-punch front, just pulled around; funky dance, showing personality. Fall on triple twist (incomplete).
Damianova, BB – switch leap to switch side (a little low); ff to back tuck (fall); tuck jump full from a sideways stand; punch front; RO double twist. 8.400.
Johnson, UB - Shaposhnikova, good swing, toe-shoot, arabian double front dismount, fell awkwardly.
Aisha Gerber, 1st AA Photo by Leslie Foster, |
Colling, FX – whip, whip, to 2.5 twist. Triple twist, almost around, very clean legs, great form on her tumbling. Performed a turn and lost her balance, almost falling to her knees. Fell on her double pike. Double twist. 7.850
Mak, UB – free-hip 1/1, fought well after minor error on toe-on to piked shoot to high bar. Dismounted with a double tuck with ½ out, well landed. Coach Lawson Hamer seemed pleased. 8.050
Bodanis-Rhule, FX – fall on opening double pike
Petulli, BB - ff to layout. Back tuck to wolf, well landed. Aerial walkover, Yang Bo jump (good attempt). 8.625
Lemieux, V - layout Yurchenko (legs apart). 8.600. Handspring front-tuck, better landing.
Marohn, UB – extra swing, fall on double front dismount. 7.375
Gerber, BB – switch to wolf, stag hs, stepdown to layout, layout, back pike, had to wave her arms twice. Gainer aerial walkover to aerial walkover. Onodi, side somi (not connected). Ff ff, double tuck, great landing. 9.775!
Hope, FX – 2 whips to 2.5 twist. Clean in her dance. Triple twist, slightly off-balance in her landing. Double pike, very clean routine, big hug from coach Yelena Davydova. 9.425
Simbhudas, V - 8.475
Damianova, FX - double pike, 2 whips to 1.5 twist. Double tuck. 8.100.
Brown, V - very high and clean Hristakieva. Almost stuck it, but had to take a step back at the last moment. 8.900. Yurchenko-full second vault, large step, but very dynamic.
Regier, UB - nice Endo, to bail to toe-shoot; toe-on, front with a ½ dismount. 7.800
Johnson, BB - tried a tuck jump 1.5, almost completed. Nice, stuck front tuck; very long pause before dismount, went over time, then fell on double front.
Rodriguez, V - piked Yurchenko. 8.300
Heikkila, BB - 1 flair to mount. Double turn, slight check. Switch leap to wolf 1/1. Punch front, small step back. Split leap 1/1. ff to layout. Tour jete half. Good landing. Sheep jump. Just small bobbles, here and there. Gainer pike dismount.
Abisror, V - piked Yurchenko, one step back. 7.950
Dawn Patulli, 4th AA Photo by Leslie Foster, |
Patulli, FX - good form, clean in her jumps and tumbling, double pike to open, front-full to close.
Simbhudas, UB - vault over low, stalder, missed her full turn and fell. Re-did it – stalder blind to Jaeger. Another fall on low bar. 7.450
Gerber, FX – full-in, very well landed; double turn to tuck jump double. Still using Dire Straits music. 1.5 twist to triple twist, ¾ around. Double turn with leg horizontal . Switch ring to leap. 2.5 twist. Double pike, slightly low. Excellent routine. 9.675
Bodanis-Roule, V - layout Yurchenko, clean in the air. 8.550
Brown, UB - Jump to HS, giant full to giant 1.5 to Tkatchev – well controlled. Pak, toe-half, stoop to hb, double pike. Good landing, clean exercise. 8.850
Hope, V - nice piked Luconi, small step. 9.200. Yurchenko layout. Very clean.
Dellio, BB - ff to back tuck; switch leap; 1 ½ turn; punch front. Fall on side somi. Tuck jump 1/1 sideways on beam; cartwheel, fall on double back. 7.475.
Mereniuk, UB – took a bad fall and appeared to injure herself. Remounted and finished her routine with a double pike, seemed to be hurting still after the routine. 6.550.
Demianova, V – layout Yurchenko, clean in the air, but overrotated and took a big hop on landing. 8.900
Brochu, BB – handstand, step down to ff, layout. Broke connection on leap series of switch leap to tuck jump to tuck jump full. Punch front. RO, 1.5 twist, good landing.
Rodriguez, UB – fall on Jaeger. 5.625
Heikkila, FX – double pike; whip to double twist. Switch leap to tuck jump double; double turn to arabesque; triple turn, split leap full; 2.5 twist. 8.400.
Colling, V – really easy looking layout Yurchenko, looks set for an upgrade. 8.800. Sure enough, her second vault is a Yurchenko full, well done.
Mak, BB - split jump-full, split jump-1/2. Aerial walkover. Ring jump. Double turn, broke at the waist, but stayed on. FF layout. Turn jete half, had to bend over and touch the beam. 8.625.
Hebert, FX – fall on double back first line. Punch layout, punch front full. Fall on 1.5 twist. Double twist.
Lemieux, UB – fall on piked Jaeger. 6.950
Alyssa Brown, 3rd AA Photo by Leslie Foster, |
Hope, UB – stalder full-pirouette on LB, stoop to HB; giant-full to Tkatchev; giant-half to bail to toe-shoot. Nice toes, her feet just come a little bit apart. Double pike, one step. Good competition for her. Celebration with the Gemini coaches, Davydova looks elated. 8.700
Brown, BB – switch leap to tuck jump full, one-armed ff to layout, fall. Switch-side; punch front, Popa, almost around. RO, double tuck, almost a stick. Too bad for the fall –she had had a very solid competition to that point. 8.200
Regier, FX - front to double pike, fell on her back and OOB. Fall on 2.5 twist. Double twist. 6.850
Damianova, UB - fall on transition. Missed badly on her Tkatchev. Legs tightly together on her double front, good landing. 7.100
Gerber, V – seals the title with a one large step back on her Yurchenko full. 9.100. Yurchenko 1 ½, one step forward.
Rodriguez, BB - slipped her foot on her dismount, fell on to her back. Coach and her remount and perform it again. She missed her foot slightly again, but managed to complete a 1.5 twist and land on her feet. 7.500
Koufoudakis, V - layout Yurchenko with tight form, slight pike, and excellent landing. 8.775
Colling, UB - free hip-full on LB; toe-shoot to HB; giant-full, giant 1.5 to bail to HS to immediate toe-on, toe-off; great form throughout; free-hip – long in the handstand, but pushed through; double pike, good landing. 8.275
Brochu, FX – fall on front layout, punch front 1/1 layout. Fall again on 1.5 twist, punch front.
Mak, FX - Double pike, awkward bounce forward on landing. Performing to Riverdance. Triple twist, finished a little behind the music. 8.950
Lemieux, BB - front handspring, aerial walkover, one-armed ff (pauses between each element). Small deductions for bent knees on tumbling. Gainer front aerial walkover. Fall on side somi. Punch front. Switch leap, big break on tuck jump full. Gainer back pike dismount, just over time. 8.000
Heikkila, V - layout Yurchenko, clean in the air, step to the side on landing. 8.700
Hebert, V - layout/pike Yurchenko, fall. 7.750
Simbhudas, BB - switch leap to back tuck, well connected. Tuck jump full. Side somi. Switch-side-half. Aerial walkover. FF to layout, fall. Step into front tuck. Cartwheel, gainer double twist, step forward. 8.700
Patulli, V - layout Yurchenko, well executed with nice form and one step on landing. 9.000. Second vault was a very open, flighty tucked Yurchenko.
1. Gerber
2. Hope
3. Brown
4. Petulli
5. Colling
6. Simbhudas
7. Heikkila
8. Mak
JUNE 2 - PODIUM TRAINING was on hand today at the Hershey Centre where many of the top junior
and senior men and women were finishing up some pre-competition training. A
double apparatus set up (including two floor exercise mats – the men’s mat
is red while the women’s mat is blue) has the men performing in one half of
the arena while the women perform on the other side. Throughout the
championships, the men and women will be competing simultaneously – a full
time 10 ring circus. The biggest challenge for the fans will come this Friday,
where the senior men and women compete together.
Below are some notes about the training that was observed earlier tonight.
Please note: was not at the entire training session, so gymnasts were
only observed on some events and not on others. Not all of the gymnasts
scheduled to compete were actually were training in this session.
Kate Richardson: Kate is here fresh off the NCAA season, competing in
her first Canadian championships since 2001. On balance beam, Richardson trained
her signature opening sequence of English press to split handstand, step-down
immediate layout-layout series. She also presented the following series: switch
ring leap immediate aerial walkover immediate ring jump to immediate split-jump
full. She worked a lot on this sequence. Other elements in her routine included
a switch side leap and a dismount sequence of two back handsprings to a double
On floor, she has the same choreography as she used during the NCAA season.
She showed a good double layout. She did not show her other tumbling passes, but
did warm up 0.6 worth in dance bonus, which will help her start value: tour jete
½ to cat leap double to switch ring leap, triple turn, and double turn to tuck
jump double. On vault she worked lots of Omeliantchiks (RO ½ onto the vault,
front pike off). She was also doing drills to perform this vault with a ½
Defending champion Gael Mackie on bars was training the same routine
she used at least year’s Elite Canada: toe-on Higgins to piked Jaeger; free
hip ½ to giant 1 ½ to giant-full to overshoot immediate toe-on shoot to the
high bar; and Higgins to double front dismount.
Kylie Stone: The top ranking gymnast at the last world championships
was seen confidently training her beam elements, including a nice switch leap to
side somi combination, and many twisting jumps (tuck jump-full, straddle
jump-full). On floor she showed powerful and high full-ins, an Arabian double
front, two whips through to double pike.
Heather Purnell: The Commonwealth and world team member showed
confident work on the balance beam: open piked front mount; punch front
immediate back handspring layout; aerial walkover to wolf jump-full; switch leap
immediate tour jete ½; switch ring leap; cartwheel to gainer double twist off
the end. On floor, Purnell trained a new last tumbling line:
round-off-whip-whip-back handspring-double pike. Pm vault she showed some strong
Yurchenko 1 1/2s.
Melanie Banville: Another world and Pan-Am team member, Banville
trained four tumbling passes on floor, new from last season: piked full-in, 1 ½
through to 2 ½ twist, triple twist (a bit short) and double pike. On vault she
also showed several strong Yurchenko 1 1/2s.
Amélie Plante: This veteran of three world championships showed
confidence on her best event, the uneven bars, showing more than one successful
Def release move (probably the only super E skill in the women’s competition),
as well as improved form on her double layout dismount. She also showed mastery
of her most difficult sequence of free-hip full, giant 1 ½, giant-full to
Gienger. On beam she also showed confident work, including a piked front mount,
round-off to high layout to two feet, a punch front on the beam, and a cartwheel
to gainer double twist off the side. On floor, she showed the following
tumbling: piked full-in, whip-triple twist, and double pike.
Elyse Hopfner-Hibbs: One of two non age eligible seniors on the
competition roster showed good work on the uneven bars: toe-on blind to piked
Jaeger; toe-on full to giant-full to overshoot handstand, and the balance beam:
aerial cartwheel to layout step-out immediate back pike; punch front to tuck
For the men, up and comer Adam Wong showed some nice work on the
parallel bars, including a difficult combination of peach ½, peach to giant to
double back to upper arms. He also showed a great layout double twisting double
high bar dismount. Another up and comer, Nathan Gafuik, was training some
Kovacs releases on high bar, as well as a nice Tippelt, healy from a one bar
handstand immediate healy, and beautiful double pike on parallel bars.
Veteran Grant Golding showed some really nice tumbling on floor: front
double full immediate punch front immediate front-full, and a 2 ½ twist
immediate front layout ½. He also trained some Kasamatsu-fulls on vault.
World team alternate Casey Sandy showed a nice peach ½ to peach on
parallel bars, and on high bar swung a nice inside endo-healy immediate hop
healy to elgrip, and a nice layout double-double dismount. He also showed an
excellent Yurchenko 2 ½ on vault.
Stay tuned for more competition reports – the competition begins tomorrow
night with the men’s preliminaries.